Thursday, June 4, 2009

210 days

Things to do in 210 days
I got this idea from Elizabeth at
Now I could not come up with 101 things over 1001 days. So my goal is to finish 20 things in 210 days. 210 days is the number of days left in 2009 from today. Right now I am a little short on my list I plan to add a few more items of the next few days.
As a mother:
Go to an outdoor play
Plan a "special" day with each child
Teach my kids to cook
Create a photo album for DS #1
Enforce Home Contract

As a friend:
Make a meal to take to someone
Help with a big project
Host a dinner party

As a citizen:
Start recycling
Learn 5 things about local history

As a friend to myself:
Go to the movies to see
-New Moon
-Transformers 2
Plan to spend 5 hours a week doing what I want w/o the kids
Blog at least 3 days a week
Read 3 books

Find a place for everything in my house (organize)
Pay my bills on time (stick to my budget)
Develop a Home Contract
*Bonus Decorate my living room
*Bonus Make a list for 2010

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