Okay, my DS is Bi-polar with ADHD. What does this mean? That he is bouncing off the walls and has mood swings that will give you whiplash. Along with the mood swings he has violent outburst in the past the outburst would last hours. Yes, hours of yelling, screaming, punching the wall, banging his head, running away from home, threating family and destroying everything in sight. Now days they only last an hour or so.
One of the problems now is that he is getting bigger. (12 yrs old 112 lbs) It seems that he attacks his twin DD#2 and me more. Now when he "starts" DD#1 just leaves. I worry that he will hurt himself or one of us. This past week has been a bad one.
What sets him off? Being told no, if he thinks some one is laughing at him, not eating at his time,not having complete control and me. That is the worst part is that no matter what I say or do it is not the right thing. If I try to go to the store 2 blocks from my house without him...outburst. If I try to go to dinner with friends....outburst. If I try to talk on the phone he wants to know who, what I am talking about and why. I am truly a prisoner.
When did this start? Before he could walk. When he was still crawling at day care he bit 2 children so bad thier parents removed them.Then it just got worse.
What have I done in the past? A lot. Therapy, he tells them whatever they want to hear then as soon as we get in the car he "starts". Disapline, I have taken everything away. He was left with a bed and dresser for 2 weeks and he didn't care. Grounding, that was BAD I was locked in the house with him! Meds. He has been of several different meds over the years we have not found the right ones yet. Hospital. This year he has got so out of control that I have put him in a children's mental health center three times this year. (which is where he is now)
I am doing my best to keep him out of the court system but at the rate he is going I am not going to be able to for long. This summer he will be spending a lot time with his dad and when he is not with his dad we are looking for activities that will keep him busy and out of the house. I know that it sounds like I am a bad mom but at right now my goals is to keep everyone safe. My fear is that it will come back to bite me in the end.
So for everyone out there living with a Bi-polar family member....I understand
I have lived beyond my means for many years. I am learning how to live on what I make and get out of debt. It is a work in progress.
About Me

- Michele
- Have 3 wonderful kids, 19 yr old girl now on her own and boy/girls twins who are 14 yrs old. I am currently a full time student in business at a small local college.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Meal Plan 5/17-5/23
Week 3
May 17-23
17-B-On Your Own L-Pasta Salad D-Salad w/chicken/bread
19-Pizza Pockets (2.00)
20-Grill Cheese/Soup or FF (1.00)
21-Popcorn Chicken/FF (2.00)
22-Quesadilla/salad (1.50)
23-B-Pancakes L-Hotdogs/chips D-Leftovers
For many, many more great meal plans go to http://orgjunkie.com/menu-plan-monday
May 17-23
17-B-On Your Own L-Pasta Salad D-Salad w/chicken/bread
19-Pizza Pockets (2.00)
20-Grill Cheese/Soup or FF (1.00)
21-Popcorn Chicken/FF (2.00)
22-Quesadilla/salad (1.50)
23-B-Pancakes L-Hotdogs/chips D-Leftovers
For many, many more great meal plans go to http://orgjunkie.com/menu-plan-monday
Friday, May 15, 2009
Weekly update
Well I have gone WAY over budget! I went to the store last night and spent $184.24! and I still have to spend at least $20.00 on cat stuff. Now I know that I spent a lot but ... I also saved $72.00 with coupons. I am new to the coupon thing and did not realize that stores had a limit on how many you can use in one transaction. I did two but I put all the coupons on one so I could see if it was really worth it. I think it was. I did alot of stockpiling (I now have 26 boxes of cereal and 8 boxes of rice) of course this weekend I will be working on my June menu, can you guess what we will be eating?
So I guess the extra money spent has to come from somewhere. Maybe from next months budget? I don't know I will have think about that.
At this moment the cable company is at my house installing cable, internet and phone. I can't Well I have gone WAY over budget! I went to the store last night and spent $184.24! and I still have to spend at least $20.00 on cat stuff. Now I know that I spent a lot but ... I also saved $72.00 with coupons. I am new to the coupon thing and did not realize that stores had a limit on how many you can use in one transaction. I did two but I put all the coupons on one so I could see if it was really worth it. I think it was. I did alot of stockpiling (I now have 26 boxes of cereal and 8 boxes of rice) of course this weekend I will be working on my June menu, can you guess what we will be eating?
So I guess the extra money spent has to come from somewhere. Maybe from next months budget? I don't know I will have think about that.
At this moment the cable company is at my house installing cable, internet and phone. I can't wait to have internet at home!
This week has gone by pretty fast. I am happy for the weekend everyone take care and maybe I will see you online over the weekend. wait to have internet at home!
This week has gone by pretty fast. I am happy for the weekend everyone take care and maybe I will see you online over the weekend.
So I guess the extra money spent has to come from somewhere. Maybe from next months budget? I don't know I will have think about that.
At this moment the cable company is at my house installing cable, internet and phone. I can't Well I have gone WAY over budget! I went to the store last night and spent $184.24! and I still have to spend at least $20.00 on cat stuff. Now I know that I spent a lot but ... I also saved $72.00 with coupons. I am new to the coupon thing and did not realize that stores had a limit on how many you can use in one transaction. I did two but I put all the coupons on one so I could see if it was really worth it. I think it was. I did alot of stockpiling (I now have 26 boxes of cereal and 8 boxes of rice) of course this weekend I will be working on my June menu, can you guess what we will be eating?
So I guess the extra money spent has to come from somewhere. Maybe from next months budget? I don't know I will have think about that.
At this moment the cable company is at my house installing cable, internet and phone. I can't wait to have internet at home!
This week has gone by pretty fast. I am happy for the weekend everyone take care and maybe I will see you online over the weekend. wait to have internet at home!
This week has gone by pretty fast. I am happy for the weekend everyone take care and maybe I will see you online over the weekend.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Well I think that I have done pretty well on my food budget. Yesterday I spent $1.00 on chips for dinner.
Dinner last night was 4 Hot dogs on buns (2 each) with chips which worked out to be $.60 per meal for the twins. I didn't really eat, I was busy cleaning. My sink has been slow to drain for a while now, over the weekend it stopped draining all together. I didn't really have the money to pay a plumber and DID NOT want to pay weekend rates at all! So I waited until yesterday my mom and dad had some work done as well and were kind enough to pay the bill. What would I do with out them!
But my deal of the week is cereal. I bought 13 boxes of different cereals for an average of $1.77 per box. We eat cereal for breakfast and snacks so it won't last long. I think that we have gone thru 3 boxes since Thursday, but I am hoping that they will last the rest of the month. I spent $33.79 on 13 boxes of cereal , 1 pack of whole wheat bagels and 2 candy bars.
May food budget remaining- $104.86 (3 weeks left)
Dinner last night was 4 Hot dogs on buns (2 each) with chips which worked out to be $.60 per meal for the twins. I didn't really eat, I was busy cleaning. My sink has been slow to drain for a while now, over the weekend it stopped draining all together. I didn't really have the money to pay a plumber and DID NOT want to pay weekend rates at all! So I waited until yesterday my mom and dad had some work done as well and were kind enough to pay the bill. What would I do with out them!
But my deal of the week is cereal. I bought 13 boxes of different cereals for an average of $1.77 per box. We eat cereal for breakfast and snacks so it won't last long. I think that we have gone thru 3 boxes since Thursday, but I am hoping that they will last the rest of the month. I spent $33.79 on 13 boxes of cereal , 1 pack of whole wheat bagels and 2 candy bars.
May food budget remaining- $104.86 (3 weeks left)
Monday, May 11, 2009
Meal Plan 5/10-5/16
Week 2
May 10-16
10- B- French toast L- Pizza Rolls D-Pork Roast
11- Hotdogs/chips
12-Italian baked chicken/peas/au gratin potatoes
13-Pull pork on buns/chips
14-Roasted chicken/mac&ch/green beans
15-Out to eat
16- B-Muffins L-Chicken Wraps D-Leftovers
May 10-16
10- B- French toast L- Pizza Rolls D-Pork Roast
11- Hotdogs/chips
12-Italian baked chicken/peas/au gratin potatoes
13-Pull pork on buns/chips
14-Roasted chicken/mac&ch/green beans
15-Out to eat
16- B-Muffins L-Chicken Wraps D-Leftovers
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
May Budget
I have done ok I guess. I only spent $48.35 at Walmart but I spent $13.00 last night on fast food. The $48.35 is to TWO WEEKS! I am eating mostly out of the pantry so I didn't have to get much. That leaves $139.65 for food in May.
I sat down with the twins this weekend and went over the budget. I have done this with DD#1 but never with them. Why you ask? I don't know. Recently they have been asking for outragous things. IPhone, Ipod, new shoes, cds, dvds and trips to stores. I know that DD#2 got it but DS still has no clue.
Besides my food and non food budget I also have my bills and living budget. This is where I have the most trouble. This is what my May budget looks like:
1400 Pay
200 food
200 gas
85 car insurance
50 non food
500 cell phone (went WAY over on minutes)
170 phone, cable and internet
100 meds and co pays
30 basketball shoes
That leaves $65.00 for error.
I sat down with the twins this weekend and went over the budget. I have done this with DD#1 but never with them. Why you ask? I don't know. Recently they have been asking for outragous things. IPhone, Ipod, new shoes, cds, dvds and trips to stores. I know that DD#2 got it but DS still has no clue.
Besides my food and non food budget I also have my bills and living budget. This is where I have the most trouble. This is what my May budget looks like:
1400 Pay
200 food
200 gas
85 car insurance
50 non food
500 cell phone (went WAY over on minutes)
170 phone, cable and internet
100 meds and co pays
30 basketball shoes
That leaves $65.00 for error.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Meal plan 5/3-5/9
Week 1
Sunday: B-Peanut butter pancakes (made my DD#1) (.50)
L-Leftover chicken from mom and dad's lunch out enough left to feed 3 of us! (FREE)
D- Pizza rolls (went spent all day cleaning we were all wore out) (.99)
Monday: Spaghetti, salad and garlic toast (.75)
Tuesday: Taco Salad (1.40)
Wednesday: OPEN-Planned Corndogs and Chips only I could not find Corndogs within my budget price.
Thursday: Smoked sausage w/peppers, onions and potatoes and cornbread (1.35)
Friday: Baked Potato Bar (1.00)
Saturday: B-Cin. Rolls (.55)
L-Cheese and Fruit (.70)
D-Hf deluxe w/salad or green beans (1.00 or less made from mostly leftovers)
That is $8.24 per serving = $49.44 for the week for 3 people. That is NOT what I spent, I had a lot of stuff on hand.
For more meal plans to go http://orgjunkie.com/2009/05/mpm-may-4th-my-top-10-list-for-selecting-recipes.html
Sunday: B-Peanut butter pancakes (made my DD#1) (.50)
L-Leftover chicken from mom and dad's lunch out enough left to feed 3 of us! (FREE)
D- Pizza rolls (went spent all day cleaning we were all wore out) (.99)
Monday: Spaghetti, salad and garlic toast (.75)
Tuesday: Taco Salad (1.40)
Wednesday: OPEN-Planned Corndogs and Chips only I could not find Corndogs within my budget price.
Thursday: Smoked sausage w/peppers, onions and potatoes and cornbread (1.35)
Friday: Baked Potato Bar (1.00)
Saturday: B-Cin. Rolls (.55)
L-Cheese and Fruit (.70)
D-Hf deluxe w/salad or green beans (1.00 or less made from mostly leftovers)
That is $8.24 per serving = $49.44 for the week for 3 people. That is NOT what I spent, I had a lot of stuff on hand.
For more meal plans to go http://orgjunkie.com/2009/05/mpm-may-4th-my-top-10-list-for-selecting-recipes.html
Friday, May 1, 2009
May Meal Plan
Week 1
May 1-9
1-Salad and bread (if weather permits we will have a fire for May Day)
2- B- Poptarts L- Beans and franks D-Kentucky Hot Brown
3- B-Eggs w/toast L-Ramen D- Salsa Chicken in Crockpot/ rice / corn / cornbread
4-Spaghetti/salad/garlic toast
5-Taco salad
7-Smoked Sausage,potatoes, onions and peppers
8-Baked potato bar
9- B-Cin Rolls L-Cheese and fruit D-Hf deluxe/salad
Week 2
May 10-16
10- B- French toast L- Pizza Rolls D-Pork Roast
11- Hotdogs/chips
12-Italian baked chicken/peas/au gratin potatoes
13-Pull pork on buns/chips
14-Roasted chicken/mac&ch/green beans
15-Out to eat
16- B-Muffins L-Chicken Wraps D-Leftovers
Week 3
May 17-23
17-B-On Your Own L-Pasta Salad D-Salad w/chicken/bread
19-Pizza Pockets
20-Grill Cheese/Soup or FF
21-Popcorn Chicken/FF
23-B-Pancakes L-Hotdogs/chips D-Leftovers
Week 4
May 24-31
24-B-Pancakes L-Ramen D-Crockpot Chicken cheesy bacon rice/peas/cornbread
25-Pigs in a blanket/applesauce/corn
26-Mac&ch/green beans
28-Bisquick chicken nuggets/ff
29- Out to eat
30-B-Bagels L-HM Lunchables D-Leftovers
31-B-Hf/toast L-Cheese,fruit and crackers D-Pork chops/stuffing/green beans
Weekday Breakfast:
Cin. toast,poptarts, cereal, boiled eggs, toast
Popcorn, brownies, chips, chips & salsa, cookies
May 1-9
1-Salad and bread (if weather permits we will have a fire for May Day)
2- B- Poptarts L- Beans and franks D-Kentucky Hot Brown
3- B-Eggs w/toast L-Ramen D- Salsa Chicken in Crockpot/ rice / corn / cornbread
4-Spaghetti/salad/garlic toast
5-Taco salad
7-Smoked Sausage,potatoes, onions and peppers
8-Baked potato bar
9- B-Cin Rolls L-Cheese and fruit D-Hf deluxe/salad
Week 2
May 10-16
10- B- French toast L- Pizza Rolls D-Pork Roast
11- Hotdogs/chips
12-Italian baked chicken/peas/au gratin potatoes
13-Pull pork on buns/chips
14-Roasted chicken/mac&ch/green beans
15-Out to eat
16- B-Muffins L-Chicken Wraps D-Leftovers
Week 3
May 17-23
17-B-On Your Own L-Pasta Salad D-Salad w/chicken/bread
19-Pizza Pockets
20-Grill Cheese/Soup or FF
21-Popcorn Chicken/FF
23-B-Pancakes L-Hotdogs/chips D-Leftovers
Week 4
May 24-31
24-B-Pancakes L-Ramen D-Crockpot Chicken cheesy bacon rice/peas/cornbread
25-Pigs in a blanket/applesauce/corn
26-Mac&ch/green beans
28-Bisquick chicken nuggets/ff
29- Out to eat
30-B-Bagels L-HM Lunchables D-Leftovers
31-B-Hf/toast L-Cheese,fruit and crackers D-Pork chops/stuffing/green beans
Weekday Breakfast:
Cin. toast,poptarts, cereal, boiled eggs, toast
Popcorn, brownies, chips, chips & salsa, cookies
Weekly update
This week we stuck to the meal plan! But I did not stay on budget. When we went to Burger King to eat last night and spent more than I planned. So I will have to cut back on the food budget a little.
I hope everyone has a nice weekend see you Monday.
I hope everyone has a nice weekend see you Monday.
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